Use UserActivityManager class to handle the first skill invocation

Talkyjs will record the user activity automatically when enabled

const config: TalkyJSSkillConfig = {
    database: {                             // [Optional] Database configuration
        type: "s3",                       // [Optional] Database type (none / s3 / dynamodb)
        tableName: 'ExampleSKill',                      // [Optional] Database table name
        s3PathPrefix: 'prefix'                    // [Optional] [Only S3] S3 path prefix

Get the skill invocation status in the handler

If you want to handle the skill response depends on the skill invocation count,
we can get the status by using the UserActivityManager class.

import { Router, UserActivityManager } from "@talkyjs/core";
import { LaunchRequestScript } from './LaunchRequest.speech'
export const LaunchRequestRouter: Router = {
    requestType: "LaunchRequest",
    handler: async (handlerInput) => {
        const userActivity = new UserActivityManager(handlerInput)
        const script = new LaunchRequestScript(handlerInput, {
            // If the user has no activity, it will returns true
            isFirstSession: await userActivity.isFirstSkillInvocation()

            // If the user has not used the skill over 30 days, it will returns true.
            isReturnedUser: await userActivity.isReturnedUser(),
        return script

export default LaunchRequestRouter

And the speech script can handle the optional props.

import React from 'react';
import { SpeechScriptJSXWithOption } from '@talkyjs/ssml'

export class LaunchRequestScript extends SpeechScriptJSXWithOption<{
    isFirstSession: boolean;
    isReturnedUser: boolean;
}> {
    speech() {
        return (
                    {this.options.isFirstSession ? 
                        'Thank you for launch the Skill!': 
                        'Welcome back to my Skill!'
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