

SSML helper for JSX / TSX

Simply helper with SSML markup in JSX/TSX. It's compatible for


$ npm install -S @talkyjs/ssml react react-dom

# (Optional) with ask-sdk-jsx-for-apl
$ npm install -S ask-sdk-jsx-for-apl

# (Optional) with TypeScript
$ npm install -D @types/react @types/react-dom

(Optional) update tsconfig.json

We need to update these attributes like this.

    "jsx": "react",
    "esModuleInterop": true,

Markup with JSX/TSX

SSML (Use this!)

import React from 'react'
import '@talkyjs/ssml'

export const LaunchRequestSpeech = () => {
    return (
            hello It's a great thing,
            and there is test. 
            <emphasis level="reduced">hello</emphasis>
            <w role="amazon:NN">aaaa</w>
            <amazon-domain name="music">Music</amazon-domain>
            <amazon-effect name="whispered">aaaa</amazon-effect>
            <amazon-emotion name="disappointed" intensity="high">aaaa</amazon-emotion>

APL (Use ask-sdk-jsx-for-apl)

import React from 'react';
import { APL, MainTemplate, Container, Text, AplDocument } from 'ask-sdk-jsx-for-apl';

export const LaunchAplDocumentFC = () => {
    const launchMessage = 'Welcome to my first JSX for APL skill!';
    return (
        <APL theme="dark">
                        color="rgb(251,184,41)" />

Request Handler

import React from 'react'
import { renderSSMLToString } from "@talkyjs/ssml";
import { AplDocument } from "ask-sdk-jsx-for-apl";

import { LaunchAplDocumentFC } from "./apl";
import { LaunchRequestSpeech } from "./ssml";

export const LaunchRequestHandler = {
    canHandle(input) {
        return input.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest'
    async handle(input) {
        return input.responseBuilder
                    <LaunchRequestSpeech />
                new AplDocument(
                    <LaunchAplDocumentFC />


  "directives": [
      "document": {
        "mainTemplate": {
          "items": [
              "alignItems": "center",
              "items": [
                  "color": "rgb(251,184,41)",
                  "fontSize": "50px",
                  "text": "Welcome to my first JSX for APL skill!",
                  "type": "Text"
              "justifyContent": "spaceAround",
              "type": "Container"
          "parameters": []
        "theme": "dark",
        "type": "APL",
        "version": "1.4"
      "type": "Alexa.Presentation.APL.RenderDocument"
  "outputSpeech": {
    "ssml": "<speak>hello It's a great thing, and there is test.<emphasis level=\"reduced\">hello</emphasis><w role=\"amazon:NN\">aaaa</w><amazon:domain name=\"music\">Music</amazon:domain><amazon:effect name=\"whispered\">aaaa</amazon:effect><amazon:emotion name=\"disappointed\" intensity=\"high\">aaaa</amazon:emotion></speak>",
    "type": "SSML"

SpeechScript handler

import React from 'react';
import { SpeechScriptJSX } from '@talkyjs/ssml';

class LaunchRequestScript extends SpeechScriptJSX {
    speech() {
        return (
                <p>Hello! It's a nice development. How are you?</p>
    reprompt() {
        return (
                <p>How are you?</p>

const LaunchRequestHandler = {
  canHandle: () => true,
  handle: async (handlerInput) => {
    const responseBuilder = new LaunchRequestScript(handlerInput).createResponseBuilder()
    return responseBuilder.getResponse()

const LaunchRequestHandler2 = {
  canHandle: () => true,
  handle: async (handlerInput) => {
    const speechScript = new LaunchRequestScript(handlerInput)
    return speechScript.createResponse()

With custom props

import React from 'react';
import { SpeechScriptJSX } from '@talkyjs/ssml';

class ScriptWithOptions extends SpeechScriptJSXWithOption<{
    username: string;
    launchCount: number;
}> {
    speech() {
        const {
        } = this.options
        return (
                <p>Hello {username}-san. You launch it by {launchCount} times. How are you?</p>

const LaunchRequestHandler = {
  canHandle: () => true,
  handle: async (handlerInput) => {
    const responseBuilder = new ScriptWithOptions(handlerInput, {
        username: 'John',
        launchCount: 5
    return responseBuilder.getResponse()

Progressive response (beta)

class LaunchRequestScript extends SpeechScriptJSX {
  speech() {
    return (
        <p>Hello! It's a nice development. How are you?</p>

  reprompt() {
    return (
        <p>How are you?</p>
  progressiveResponse() {
    return (
        <p>Hello! Hello!!</p>

const LaunchRequestHandler = {
  canHandle: () => true,
  handle: async (handlerInput) => {
    const speechScript = new LaunchRequestScript(handlerInput)
    await speechScript.enqueueProgressiveResponse()
    // Add a long task.

    return speechScript.createResponse()


class LaunchInprogress extends SpeechScriptJSX {
  progressiveResponse() {
    return (
        <p>Hello! Hello!!</p>

class ScriptWithOptions extends SpeechScriptJSXWithOption<{
    username: string;
    launchCount: number;
}> {
    speech() {
        const {
        } = this.options
        return (
                <p>Hello {username}-san. You launch it by {launchCount} times. How are you?</p>

const LaunchRequestHandler = {
  canHandle: () => true,
  handle: async (handlerInput) => {
    const progressiveRepsonse = new LaunchInprogress(handlerInput)
    await progressiveRepsonse.enqueueProgressiveResponse()

    // Add a long task.

    const speechScript = new ScriptWithOptions(handlerInput, {
        username: 'John',
        launchCount: 5
    return speechScript.createResponse()

Known issue

  • Several tag are almost same as HTML

    • sub / p / audio / s
  • I don't know is the type declaration style better...





Forked the type definitions for SSML from it.

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