
Manually Install

If you install TalkyJS manually, use the command.

$ npm i -S @talkyjs/core

Create lambda handler

import { SkillFactory } from '@talkyjs/core'

export const handler = SkillFactory.launch()
    canHandle(input) {
        return input.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest'
    handle(input) {
        return input.responseBuilder.speak('Hello').getResponse()

Skill Configuration

We can easy to set up a several skill configuration.

import { SkillFactory, TalkyJSSkillConfig } from '@talkyjs/core'

const config: TalkyJSSkillConfig = {
    stage: 'production',                  // [Optional] Skill Stage
    logLevel: 'error',                    // [Optional] Log level
    database: {                           // [Optional] Database configuration
        type: 's3',                       // [Optional] Database type (none / s3 / dynamodb)
        tableName: 'example-bucket-name', // [Optional] Database table name
        s3PathPrefix: 'path-prefix'       // [Optional] [Only S3] S3 path prefix
    skillId: '',         // [Optional] Skill ID
    errorHandler: {                       // [Optional] error handler configurations
        usePreset: true,                  // [Optional] Use preset error handler
        sentry: {                         // [Optional] Error tracker configuration (sentry)
            dsn: process.env.SENTRY.DSN   // [Optional] Sentry dsn

export const handler = SkillFactory.launch(config)
    canHandle(input) {
        return input.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest'
    handle(input) {
        return input.responseBuilder.speak('Hello').getResponse()

Stage Handling

We can choose these stage to run the skill

developmentAdd devleopment helper handler (IntentReflector)
productionIgnore development utilties
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