Create a new custom session attributes manager

Talkyjs has a abstract class to manage your own skill's session attributes.

import { SessionAttributesManager  } from '@takyjs/core'

And we can create own Type-safe session attributes manager.

Create a Custom class extends SessionAttributesManager

We can create a new class by extends SessionAttributesManager class.

import { SessionAttributesManager  } from '@takyjs/core'

export type GameSessionAttributes = {
    playerName?: string;
    gameScore: number

export class GameSessionAttributeManager extends SessionAttributesManager {
    private readonly recordKey = 'gamePlayData'
    public updatePlayerName(name: string): void {
        this.updateSessionAttributes<GameSessionAttributes>(this.recordKey, {
            playerName: name

    public getPlayerName(): string | null {
        const data = this.getSessionAttributes<GameSessionAttributes>(this.recordKey)
        if (!data || !data.playerName) return null;
        return data.playerName

    public updateGameScore(score: number): void {
        this.updateSessionAttributes<GameSessionAttributes>(this.recordKey, {
            gameScore: score

    public getGameScore(): number {
        const data = this.getSessionAttributes<GameSessionAttributes>(this.recordKey)
        if (!data || !data.gameScore) {
            return 0
        return data.gameScore

And we can use the class by your own handler.

const CustomHandle = {
    canHandle() {
        return true;
    handle(handlerInput) {
        const sessionManager = new GameSessionAttributeManager(handlerInput)
        const score = sessionManager.getGameScore()
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